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Mina Rad
Il n’y a pas d’extrait, car cette publication est protégée.
Il n’y a pas d’extrait, car cette publication est protégée.
Il n’y a pas d’extrait, car cette publication est protégée.
When you are far from away your home town, the words of the friends and family of heart around the world accompany you in your journey and in every sad and happy journey of life …your being in univers is precious…. *** مرگ جبر زندگی است ، هیچ گریزی وجود […]
To see the film of Pedar Asemani man, Thank you of my dear filmmaker and editor friend Shahrouz Tavakol for editing and mixing Thank you of my soul sister Ottavia Tave Fasce for beautiful pictures in Istanbul My dad, is the best father in the world for me. The one […]
Mercredi 7 décembre 2022 à 19 h à la Scam Rémi Lainé, président de la Scam, Mina Rad et World Cultural Diversity ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la projection de Contes persans, Jean Rouch en Iran un film documentaire de Mina Rad 2018 – 57’ produit par World Cultural Diversity montage par Shahrouz Tavakol Contes […]
ommuniquée 12 novembre screening and roundtable in Yucatan IUAES Mexico Dear Friends, We are happy to communicate that the film: The Enchanted Words of the Hupd’äh of the Amazon – Masters of knowledge, narrated by Renato Athias Have been selected to be watched at the Films Selection at IUAES Yucatàn […]
We are happy to annonce that we have selected 5 films of the III edition of the festival do Para to show in Paris at our 8th edition of Festival Apresvaran in the step of Jean Rouch International Documentary network in 2022. –Pinjawuli: O Veneno Me Alcançou by Bih Kezo (3’)–Teko […]
Jorge Bodanzky and Amazon are always related for the filmmakers who like to make audiovisual creations in Amazon region… Jorge Bodanzky is one of the most important filmmakers in Brazil. His basic productions is about the Amazon region, which inspires us so much to continue on making the film on […]