ommuniquée 12 novembre screening and roundtable in Yucatan IUAES Mexico

Dear Friends,
We are happy to communicate that the film:
The Enchanted Words of the Hupd’äh of the Amazon – Masters of knowledge, narrated by Renato Athias
Have been selected to be watched at the Films Selection at IUAES Yucatàn 2021; which is held in Mexico from 9 to 13 th of november 2021, on line.
The Showcase of Indigenous and Ethnographic Films is the core of IUAES 2021 Yucatán conference. It is a non-competitive film event that seeks to present and discuss contemporary audio-visual productions on relevant anthropological topics, created by anthropologists, filmmakers or indigenous communities and organizations. All films exhibited critique, question or challenge the hegemonic views on Otherness and present alternative forms of building a gaze over central social and cultural phenomena that shape the living conditions of several human groups around the world.
You can watch the film going to this web page: Password: bihit
and join us for the debate about the film
Film Roundtable 6: Violence, Memory and Archives II
Friday, November 12
Yucatan Time: 16 hrs – 18 hrs
UTC Time: 22 hrs – 0 hrs
Connection Information
Room Cacaxtla:
This film was completed during this pandemic period and is about the traditional knowledge of the Hupd’äh people from the Northwest of Amazon, based on the narratives of three chiefs of clans, Bihit, Casimiro and Mehtiw through the ethnographic archives collected by the anthropologist Renato Athias. This knowledge presented in the film does help to debate about human and non-human relationships in the current context of our societies.
There is also another roundtable
Roundtable 19: Audiovisual Ethnographic Archives About the Amerindian
Hupd’äh and Restitution Issues through the Audiovisual Creation in a
Series of Documentaries
IUAES Commission on Museums and Cultural Heritage
Friday, November 12 Yucatan Time: 8 hrs-10 hrs UTC Time: 14 hrs – 16 hrs
Connection Information
Room Valladolid:
Mina Rad
World Cultural Diversity Production, France
Juliana Caruso
Laboratório de Estudos Pós-Disciplinares, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, Brasil/ Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa sobre Relações de Poder, Conflitos, Socialidades, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil
Danilo Paiva Ramos
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil
Felipe Bruno Martins Fernandes
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil
Danilo Paiva Ramos
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil
Pedro Lolli
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil
Isabel Oliveira
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil / Associação das Mulheres Indígenas do Alto Rio Negro, Brasil
Mariane Pisani
Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Brasil / Universidade Federal do Piauí, Brasil
Rafael Moreira Serra da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
With Regards,
World Cultural Diversity
For facebook
Great roundtable, rich presentations and reflections in Mexico at IUAES YUCATAN at the International Congress of the IUAES, the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences….
During this roundtable , there were wonderful thought around the film : The Enchanted Words of the Hupd’äh of the Amazon – Masters of knowledge, narrated by Renato Athias
In This roundtable we discussed the methodological and ethical issues related to the restitution of Ethnographic audio-visual archives collected among the Amerindian Hupd’äh by Brazilian anthropologist, Renato Athias. They have brought back to their source communities and also to international audience through a series of documentaries, half a century later…..
In 1972, Renato Athias arrived in the region of the Hupd’äh. Since then, he has continued his ethnological research and taught in Brazilian and European universities. Fifty years later, all these research materials have been digitalized and this audiovisual project have been produced by “World Cultural Diversity” in France in partnership with the Laboratory of Visual Anthropology (LAV) of PPGA / UFPE.
Roundtable 19: Audiovisual Ethnographic Archives About the Amerindian
Hupd’äh and Restitution Issues through the Audiovisual Creation in a
Series of Documentaries
IUAES Commission on Museums and Cultural Heritage
Friday, November 12 Yucatan Time: 8 hrs-10 hrs UTC Time: 14 hrs – 16 hrs
Mina Rad
World Cultural Diversity Production, France
Juliana Caruso
Laboratório de Estudos Pós-Disciplinares, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, Brasil/ Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa sobre Relações de Poder, Conflitos, Socialidades, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil
Danilo Paiva Ramos
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil
Felipe Bruno Martins Fernandes
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil
Danilo Paiva Ramos
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil
Pedro Lolli
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil
Isabel Oliveira
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil / Associação das Mulheres Indígenas do Alto Rio Negro, Brasil
Mariane Pisani
Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Brasil / Universidade Federal do Piauí, Brasil
Rafael Moreira Serra da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil