Sprits, forest and rivers: Memories of worlds from the Hupd’äh of the Amazon a film written and directed byRenato Athias and Mina Rad, edited by Isabel Castro, 68’,
France/Brazil, 2021 will have its first world screening at the opening of the the III edition of the Festival ethnographic of Para inBelem in Brazil which is held November 16 and 21, 2021.
This festival is an initiative of the Research Group of Visual anthropology Visagem PPGSA/UFPA
This is a second film that World Cultural Diversity is production about the Hupd’äh.
We are happy to annonce that Mina Rad in virtual and Renato Athias in person present the first version of the film in Brazilian language.
The film shows the worlds of the Hupd’äh, people of the Northwest Amazon in Brazil, from the perspective and ethnographic collection of anthropologist Renato Athias. It presents geopolitics of occupation of social spaces and the trails that interconnect the various clans and their neighbors in the interfluvial region of the Uaupés, Papuri and Tiquié rivers. It is also a narrative about kinship networks and the relationship of the Hupd’äh with the ecological environment, where non-human beings from the forest, the “spirits”, also live.
The audiovisual production was written and carried out by Renato Athias and Mina Rad and produced by World Cultural Diversity Production (France) and the Visual Anthropology Laboratory at PPGA/UFPE.
World Cultural Diversity is happy to participate at Festival ethnographic of Para in Belem in Brazil.
The Festival ethnographic of Para inBelem in Brazil
There are two competitive exhibitions: the Jean Rouch Exhibition, in honor of the French anthropologist and filmmaker, and the Mostra Divino Tserewahú, in honor of the pioneer of indigenous cinema in Brazil.
The festival will award the best ethnographic film in short, medium and feature films, as well as productions focused on indigenous cinema.
The anthropologist Prof. Renato Athias from PPGA/UFPE participates also in the Official Jury of Mostra Divino Tserewahú, along with other professionals who work in the field of visual anthropology.
The III FFEP is promoted and organized by the Visual Anthropology Research Group (PPGSA/UFPA), under the general coordination of Alessandro Campos and Denise Cardoso, and aims to disseminate and reward audiovisual productions that present recognized technical quality in the area. . The festival also promotes dialogue between producers, filmmakers, researchers and interested audiences. National and international film productions that address contemporary sociocultural issues about people, social groups, and historical processes of themes of anthropological interest are accepted.
The complete festival schedule can be accessed on the website
https://festivaldopara.com.br/2021/ .